Sweet Justice

This is my expression of the pain I have felt while observing the Supreme Court nomination hearings. I can empathize with the pain the accuser must have felt as she expressed her past experiences of assault from the nominee. Oh, how brave.

Does it come from coal or your soul?

From the meat or something bleak?

Nowhere did it say I don’t believe,

but you test my own memories.

I exhale my own regrets, my vulnerabilities, long since

buried by confidence and strength.

Who says the vote means trust? You’re the liar amongst the doves.

I see who you are, I wish this had been your pyre, empire of

truth, laid out like sticks and stones of innocence and ignorance,


I can relate, why not clear your slate? Many more like you, watch

what to do, you prove it’s best to be angry,

loud, fist clenched and proud.

There’s sweet justice in knowing truth. Seeing a lie, knowing

a lie, that’s the maturity while there’s scurvy.

It’s not hard for those on a mission, to be fair and listen.

You can’t have change unless you change, power to only win is

your sin. Take a step back and see what you’ve lost.

A country frowns at your childish tantrum, since

winning is your only mantra.

Note: I was struck by the fact that the word scurvy came to me during writing this poem. I did some research to find metaphors for this word. It led me to this piece from Shakespeare’s King Lear. Oh, how things have not changed:
1. “Scurvy politician”
King Lear, Act 4, scene 6

“Get thee glass eyes, and like a scurvy politician seem to see the things thou dost.” Shakespeare’s scurvy means “contemptible” or “despicable”, while he used politician to mean a crooked plotter or schemer who, in this quote from King Lear, only chooses to see what best suits him. And you can provide your own example of that.

Credit: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/10-shakespearean-insults-that-work-better-than-modern-ones-a6998416.html