Send the vine I hold onto,
Send the spite I cling to in my teeth,
I do need this downtime.
I’ve hung on too long.
No, I don’t need anymore of your pain,
I have my own.
The deep wounds of loss, forgiven.
Taking it on the chin, now listening.
Being the better person, the shoulder to lean on…
Still learning…
But I’m no storm drain.
I no longer filter and catch others insecurities.
I no longer see my worth, or love or compassion through others eyes.
I see through my own eyes,
and those eyes – love,
they forgive,
they heal,
& they transcend.
That’s my path, love it or leave it.
I love and approve of myself,
& that is the first step of a long journey to do great things.
To be great, to feel great,
To love, greatly.